ADN Group

Our certifications

From the outset, excellence has been part of the ADN triptych of values ​​and comes to life in the demanding certification process initiated from 2020. A spotlight and recognition of our daily involvement.

Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF)

With your Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF), you can now attend the ADN masterclasses in Complex Negotiation. 4 levels for a certified and recognized training course in complex negotiation.

Our masterclass

An essential certification

An essential certification for ADN as a training organization. This quality certification mark guarantees the excellence of our services and processes. It also allows our clients to finance their training courses via Skills Operators.


The UN Global Compact

By joining the United Nations Global Compact, ADN Group reaffirms its commitment and desire to promote the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact. The implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations is embodied every day at ADN in all our actions and ambitions.

Learn more about the UN Global Compact

Société à Mission

To act with ever greater consistency, in 2024, ADN has chosen to transform itself to become a mission-driven company. With the modification of our statutes, we have chosen to reaffirm our values ​​and our mission. All of ADN's actions and decisions aim to have a positive impact on society and the environment.